Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

how often do you feed a garter snake?

Every three weeks! Its a known fact that two weeks is a diet. So every three weeks would be a big meal for them.
If you chop their heads off, you really don't need to feed them very often.
once every six months
Ewwww never! the world would be better off without thoe disgusting creatures
Once a month
speed grow him-feed him once a week.
Other than that once monthly.
When ever he is hungry. Reptiles do not eat very much. Their food will last a while after they have eaten.
Is it a mature snake or a baby?

You will find more than you ever wanted to know about your garter snake at the Garter %26 Ribbon Snake discussion forum at kingsnake.com - second link below.
I rescued a garter snake in a bale of straw we got for the dogs for winter.I kept him in an aquarium thru the winter and put him in the tub and wet him down every so often. kept a nice rock in there for him to shed his skinby rubbing against the rock kept fresh water in there and we fed him nite crawlers from the bait store. he grew alot and shed several times that winter and I released him at the river in the spring so he could than find a mate . we fed him what he would eat. when ready to shed they dont eat but when they finish they are really hungry. hope this helps. we named him runner
As a Former Breeder of Garters The idea that you onl;y need to feed a snake once a month still amazes me to this day. Garters Depending on what they eat Have to be fed at least once a week and sometimes every other day. They are a very active snake and most home keepers feed either fish or earthworms and an Adult Garter could eat at least a dozen feeder gold fish every other day and still act hungry. Garters are very easy to convert to eating mice via the scenting method and then you would need to feed depending on the snakes size and the size of the feeder (hopefully frozen thawed) 1 to 2 mice per week.
If it it close to winter (witch it is) you should feed it more often than you usually do. I feed mine every time it is hungry it also depends on how big it is. it also depends on what you feed it I feed mine a frog once a week or if I don't have a frog I give it a couple night crawlers (but i cut them up a bit) you may wonder when it isn't hungry and its not hungry when it doesn't want to eat anymore I hope this answer helps your problem.. :)
A newborn can be fed every other day %26 as they grow to juveniles %26 beyond , they slow done a bit to once every 3-5days or once a week till they go down for the winter. While they're inactive, they won't feed at all but you should keep their water fresh. Luckily, garter's will eat just about any type of worm, small fish, salamander, small mouse, frog, etc. One thing though, try not to feed them a strict diet of feeder fish, as this can cause a vitamin deficiency. Try to mix up the diet like they would naturally in the wild.