Senin, 24 Mei 2010

I want a pet snake. Are they hard to take care of?

What sort of care do they need? What are some good, small, harmless breeds? I like snakes!
Snakes are the best! pets you can own. All they need as young pets are a ten gallon tank, a secure lid, some newspaper on the bottom and an under tank heater (depending on where you live you need to keep the tank around 80 degrees so you might need a clamp lamp to keep him warmer. Put something he can hide under, kleenex box, or any old box and a water bowl and he is happy! Feed him pinkies once a week (unless you go for the ball python) and hold him and love him and he will be a happy happy camper.
Small and harmless, eh?
Propbably a plain old garter snake
eat worms and what not.
i had one
No. Everything you need is love.
Depends on the snake. Why don't you contact these guys? They know a lot about reptiles.
Corn snakes are the best beginner snakes, they are easy to take care of and get hold of and can become very tame.

Just thought i would add in that ball pythons have teeth, they do get quite big and are chunky besides, most people will tell you they are NOT good beginner snakes.
Get a ball python they don't get that big they are very friendly only need fead once every 1-2 weeks, they are perfect begginer snakes.
snake? are you sure? it isn't a fish or a dog..
i think a captive bred ball python makes a great pet
Wow, a previous poster stated that Ball Pythons have teeth. What a revelation, especially since ALL snakes have teeth except for the egg-eating snake.

Anyway, some of the more common and best beginner snakes are corn snakes, milk snakes, Ball Pythons. Ball Pythons are great if you want a larger snake that is docile, yet they do need a little bit more attention as far as how they are housed and their heating requirements.

All snakes can get by with much less attention than most other pets. They require a secure cage, heat, fresh water, and food once a week to once a month depending on the age of the snake. They don't need to be handled very much, but they will be more calm and used to you if you handle them for a few minutes a couple times a week. Also, adequate humidity is important during their shed cycle.
I think that ball pythons are a really good small breed, grow to just over 2 feet long. Here are a few sites that are good for learning about them
All snakes have teeth. Your goal for your first snake is to get one that is known for a good disposition. And for this regardless of what an above poster said a Ball Python is actually a great first snake because they are known as calm. You mentioned small and Ball pythons will eventually obtain 5 feet in length. There are MANY snakes that will not get this big and are still known for having a calm nature. Corn snakes are good as well as garter snakes and I have had great experience with gopher snakes. I used to catch (and release) them in the wild and they never tried to bite me. King snakes can also be great but i have met some that were more agressive than others. If you got a small juevenile then you could end up with a trustworthy snake.
Bottom line do your research and have all the supplies ready before the snake comes home.
All the snakes mentioned will start out on a diet of pinkies or for the ball small mice. The garter snake however will eat goldfish and amphibians.
corn snake buy a fish tank and put newspaper under it buy a dog bowl cut a hole and then that will be its house trust me on this then all you have to do is change the newspaper