how to protect themselves from disease ... and keep your body to stay healthy and manage your diet everyday
Senin, 24 Mei 2010
i need to know the care of a baby sidewinder rattlesnake?
If you don't know you have no business with it. Caring for venomous reptiles needs to be done by a professional. In most of the United States its illegal for the average joe to keep venomous reptiles. Contact your local snake rescue. They will most likely tell you to take it somewhere very remote and let it go.
Good Luck
Don't get bit.
Very carefully
are you kidding? cut its damn head off!
The baby snake should be released back into the wild. It shouldn't be kept as a pet.
Baby rattlesnakes are much more venimous than the larger ones. If it bites you, you will get very sick. But they eat bugs, crickets, grasshoppers, beetles. If it's mouth is large enough to open wide enough they eat baby mice. But the snakes mouth has to be big enough to swallow the mouse or it will get stuck and the snake can't dislodge it. The snake will die. Once a snake eats something to big the snake can't spit it out because it has fangs and mouth parts that trap the critter. I have seen a snake die because it got a quail stuck in it's mouth. I get rattlesnakes from people who bring dead ones to me. I have also killed my own. I tan the hides and make earrings and hatbands. Yes, I am a female. BE VERY CAREFUL. YOU ARE DEALING WITH SOMETHING THAT CAN KILL YOU.
release the snake back into the wild. If it is sick then get it to a vet that deals with this kind of animal. and if it looks like it is going to die then kill it and be done with it. this is not an animal that one keeps as a pet.
dont neven think of it u shouldn't even have them without a dageours snakes permit if you have don't get biten if u haven't got watch noone grasses on u better get rid give them to a good petshop
What are you doing with a rattlesnake? If you have to ask you don't need one. Actually you don't need one anyways, even if you don't have to ask. Pick it up and pet it. They love that. And the Darwin award goes to you.