A mother snaping turtle layed eggs on my neihboors lawn a couple of months ago and he called me up b/c I am the teenager in the neihboor hood that catches and keeps all the wild animals I can find around my house. So we took them home and ended up with 9 baby snaping turtles. What do I feed them?
They will not eat grass or lettuce. The best thing you can do for them is to let them go. They will grow fast %26 huge in no time. Also, they do need the right UVB lighting so they can develop normally %26 healthy.
If you wanted to keep them for just a day or two, then head to your nearest pet store %26 get some feeder goldfish. They will eat those like there is no tomorrow.
cool baby snappers
I think you should let them loose and they will take care of themselves. I don't think that I am mistaken that the mother abandons the eggs, so they are capable of living on their own if you let them loose. They will probably travel to the nearest pond.
congratulations - happy dance for you
they need to be turned back out in the wild.
I say turn em loose in their natural habitat, they'll outgrow you and you might spoil their ability to live in the wild ;)
10 gallons PER inch of turtle, they need a basking light over a land area and a flourescent uvb light that emits 5 percent or higher uvb rays and they need good filtration and clean water. They will not eat until their yolk is absorbed wich takes like a week or 2, then you offer small insects like crickets, and turtle pellets for baby turtles and small worms and small feeder guppies. They are high maitenance and it would be better for the turtles if you let them go and it will be better for you because turtles are expensive to keep and a snapper will need no less then a huge pond for when its an adult wich comes fast. In 7 months my baby snapper grew to 8 inches. Let the turtles go.
feed them grass and lettuce but u should put them in a creek, they can fend for themselves
The best thing to do is release them into the wild. They are perfectly able to fend for themselves. It is wrong to keep them as pets. They are wild creatures and already instinctively know what to do. In some states it is also illegal to possess them.
If you do relese them since they are babys u should relese them to the nearest pond or lake
earthworms, crickets and minnows
you can also slice up raw chicken in slivers
http://www.chelydra.org for lots of info!