how to protect themselves from disease ... and keep your body to stay healthy and manage your diet everyday
Senin, 24 Mei 2010
i want a baby iguana so should i get it now or wait until summer?
Do not get a iguana if its your first reptile it is really hard to take care of your will get cuts a lot they are expensive to take care of the caging is really hard as well just make sure its what you want first and do a lot of research and i would definitely wait till the summer to get one if you were to get one Also get the tank and everything set up before you get it REMEBER TO MAKE SURE YOU WANT IT!
depends where you live.
ask at a local pet store or animal shelter (ASPCA or Humane Society)
wait until you know enough about them that you dont ask silly questions like this.
if you live near boston u can have mine.he isn't a baby but he is about 3 feet long
whichever. but be SURE that's what you want. i have two iguanas i am trying to find homes for.
why wait get it now,but get the tank setup
i don't think it matters as lon as you keep a heat lamp on it. i got my geco in winter and he was fine.