he is getting white spots and reddish ones to white foam around his mouth and he sits on his rock and looks up with his mouth open gasping 4 air he wont eat out of my hand any more and it seem like he is weak please please please someone tell me whats wrong
You will need to find a Reptile Vet to check out your pet. Sounds bad.
Yeah it doesn't sound good at all..maybe from the diet over a period of time or from a dacteria that he got..take it to a vet that knows what they are doing
depending on the type of turtle you have (aquatic or land) try and take itoutside in the fresh sunlight and fresh air. if aquatic or land actually try soaking in luke warm, clean fresh water in the sun for a few minutes. water relaxes as well as hydrates the animal when they are submerged in it. try placing the food down instead of hand feeding. clean the cage and sanitize to make sure no parasites are in there. if that still does not work then take to the vet :)
don know need to take him to a vet
This is blunt, but honestly that's bad and your turtle will die if you don't get it to a vet. Be sure you find a good vet that knows about turtles. It will most likely need antibiotics.
Sounds like mouth rot (Ulcerative or necrotic stomatitus). This is a tricky condition that is difficult for most keepers to deal with on their own.
Check out these links for info: