ok i have a little garden in my front yard with a frog pond and frog huts and plants any way if i leave a small file of cat food by my front door 45 seconds later ull see like 20 toads eating it. they all live in the garden but theres this one that has red stuff stuck 2 its but. no its not poop. its like a pinkish color and i always see him in my garden and when i leave out the cat food. what the hell is wrong with it. please i dont want it 2 die should i take it 2 a vet and if i do. do they take toads??
No no no!
Don't touch it!
Don't try wiping it!
And for the love of g,',d, don't lick it.
It sounds like she might be carrying her babies on her back. Some species do that. don't touch her until you know! Identify the type of toad, their means of reproduction, and known vulnerabilities to diseases. You should be able to get answers from the InterNet (narrow your search quickly with an image search).
Think about it. you have a frog paradise, with habitat and FOOD! Lots of it! Animals think about safety, food, and mating. I think that you should leave her alone, and see if you don't get some babies, soon.
If you are really worried, you can remove her from the others in case it's contagious - and then wash your hands!
Mostly, just wait and watch to see what happens.
just vist a vet and they hopefully will not chage you unless it really is sick. but first just wipe it off ( if possible ) and see what it is if you can
have you tried licking it?
Just call your local animal control!
this is what i think
1. its a frog yuck
2 . the frog is a part of nature thats where he lives i think that if you take him out of nature that might be harder for him to survive even if he does have a problem
it probably is eggs.