Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

I have an iguana named leo and well i was just wondering if it's a good habit to let him sit on my shoulder?

As long as you won't mind Leo doing this when he is full grown it is not a problem. Animals don't understand why doing something when they were little is not ok when they grow up,
Not if he's named Leo. Glad you posted his name or else I might have never solved this one!
Yea its fine. Animals always like sitting on their owner shoulders. Birds do it. And reptiles do it all the time. Especially when I went to a pet shop
i don't see why not. the more you handle him, the more he will get used to your smell and the less aggressive he will be.
I suppose it is okay. I think you should get a parrot instead. It is suppose to be "Polly want a cracker", not "Leo want a.. a.. a.. BUG!"
Hey ~ Its ok to let your iguana hang out on your shoulder ~ just be in a safe place in case it gets spooked and tries to jet! Also, make sure his nails are trimmed (again if he gets spooked, you don't want to get scratched!) Also, adult male Iguanas are in tune to a females (human) menstral cycle and there have been some horror stories of aggression (just a word to the wise!) Anyways, nice name (my name too lol) Thanks, Leo
ya its fine
him sitting on your shoulder allows him to see you mean him no harm. this will make it easier to handle him out of the cage. i had an iguana once that you couldn't even handle, it was so wild, so i would say your doing great with yours.

I hear of people having larger iguanas that lay around the house. So, it being on your shoulder shouldn't cause no problems, unless you just get tired of it being there.
Most iguana perfer to sit on somewhere high up,so they can keep a look out,for anyone who shouldn't be there.
I used to do that with my iguana (her name was Dragon but she died two years ago). Just be sure that Leo really trusts you. The first time I tried it with Dragon she bit me. It hurt. After awhile she got used to it though.
Yes its ok for leo to sit there,Its a good idea for him to get use to you playin with him.
I had an iguana and he loved to sit on my shoulder, lap, climb up my leg, etc.

Just be careful if you walk around with him on your shoulder. My iguana would tend to get spooked when I walked around with him on my shoulder, and I was scratched more than one time.
That's the best habit you can get him into. The best way to give him a walk also. Stay away from iguana leashes, they are no good and are meant more for ferrets or something of that nature. They can break the spikes on your iguana's back and cause serious injury. You are in the best position right now for letting him hang out on your shoulder.

Owner of a 4 year old, 6 foot long, male green iguana.