The crickets are strarting to out grow my toads. Do they eat any vegitation??
Desert Horned lizards (commonly called horny toads)eat as their main diet, harvester ants and will die without them, they also eat alot in one day. THey also need a uvb bulb that emits 5 percent or higher uvb rays, i like zoo meds reptisun 5.0 or 10.0 and Reptiglo 5.0 or 8.0 and it needs to be replaced every 6 months because the bulb loses its uvb output. It will also need a basking are of atleast 95-100 degrees and a cage big enough so that it can escape the heat if needed (properly thermoregulate) They are very difficult to keep and that site being the only one i know of to buy harvester ants for the lizards food.
You can get them to eat crickets? They are generally strictly ant eaters. And no, no vegetation as far as I know.
Edit, and uh. they aren't really toads. However they are pretty cool. When threatened they can force blood out of the sinus cavity below their eyes and shoot blood a fair distance. Certainly a creative defense.
I don't know what to feed 'em . but if they don't work out as pets you could have one heck of a pajama party.
Burn the skin of toads and some chemical therein gives off a smoke that intoxicates. Cherokee Indians found out about this 300 years ago. Their experimentalists sat around smoking pipefuls of dried toadskins, and talking, laughing, and getting shiny-eyed. Or so the scholars now report.