how to protect themselves from disease ... and keep your body to stay healthy and manage your diet everyday
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
i have an adult ball python and i want to know if its ok to let him go out side to run around in the grass?
It is fine to let him roam around the yard. Just make sure he is far enough in the yard to avoid him getting under anything that you can't get him back out from under. Make sure it is warm outside and check for ticks when you bring him back in.
Your snake is large enough that is won't get away from you as quickly as a baby ball.
As far as the neighbors, who cares? It is your animal and your property.
And to the person above.. NO ball python comes even remotely close to being large enough to eat a baby or even a neighbors pet.
We take our 15 foot long snakes outside all the time without any problems.
I'd think your neighbors might mind.
As long as you can catch him.or have leash for him:) AND you don't live next to me ;0)
i dont think it would like the grass
NO! Snakes don't run, but I run from them!! Check your town ordinance as well.
It may be difficult if he is the least bit fast. Our friend has one and that snake can book it when he wants to. I would get a cage with no bottm so he can be in the grass yet not get away. Like a large dog kennel with small enough spaces he can not squeeze through with no bottom on it.
But it all depends on how big it is.
I don't want to seem snobbish or stupid but isn't a python a snake? They can't run since snakes have no legs, unless of course a ball python is the name of some type of lizard that I don't know about. Secondly if it is a snake how big is it? You bring it outside and it gets away, you have got a liability on your hands since the bigger they are the bigger the appetite and the bite. In other words its apetite has gotten bigger than eating a rat, they can swollow an entire baby or a neighbors pet with one swollow so you might want to think twice, and twice as hard, before you even consider that. The law does not take kindly to people keeping an exotic pet and taking a risk of it getting away.
I would not advise it. Reptiles can pick up mites from being on the ground or from trees. Its not safe for him to just slither around in the grass. If you take him outdoors I would just hold him.
I have a 7 feet Red Tail who slithers around in our front yard all the time. He is very happy to be out and about in the yard and sometimes climbs the tree in the back yard. Just stay close and if your worried about him getting away keep a net handy. Also, it is a very bad idea to let your snake slither around in the yard if you have your yard sprayed.
as long as you keep a close eye on him/her she will be alright. I have 2 full grown ball pythons and they love the grass.
yes its perfectly fine to let your ball out on the grass for a while just a few things to remember
always check for mites they can pick them up from your yard
stay close and watch so other animals dont atack
make shure its kinda warm not cold outside
i dont know about the neighbors interest in this but as long as you keep an eye on him he shouldnt go too far.just dont expect him to just stay in the yard on his own