Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

i just got a little water turtle and i want it to be happy, but it isnt eating what should i do ?

he just puts its head on the little island and sits there is he lonely or unhappy or dose he want a bigger house?please give me some good tips i have not had him for long
Good web site:

Housing: Turtles need large, heated tanks. Those 'island bowls' are terrible. Aim for at least 10 gallons of swimming space.

Heating: Heat water to 75-80. Heat basking sites to 90

Lighting: Provide a full-spectrum light that includes ultra-violet (which does not penetrate glass)

Cleaning: Needs strong filtration to counteract messy habits.

Diet: Easiest for beginners is high-quality pellets supplemented with bloodworms while it is a baby.

Baby turtles are really hard pets to keep well. If you put the work in, however, they are great pets.
Maybe its cold where u r. try putting a light over the tank to warm him up
He might still be getting used to his new surroundings.give him some time.dont over feed.
maybe hes in shock. maybe you touch your turltle a little too much. send it to the vet. or ask the person you bought the turtle from. best send to the vet.
if you want him to be happy, blow some happy smoke into the tank, or use the tank as a giant water bong
I agree with KAT. He's probably cold. I had two of those pet store turtles for years they grew to the size of dinner plates. Use a 60 watt bulb and put it over his little island and let him warm up for a while. Don't put it too close though.
i purchased one how big is his tank he needs aleast 5 inchs of water to swim in and the tanks needs to live in a 10 gallon still needs a dry place to lay
get some earthworms, they can't resist them
Try warming up the environment, also what are you feeding? My turtles always ate canned cat food, they can also eat fish, get some small feeder guppies/goldfish if your turtle is big enough.