I am looking for a cheap place to buy an iguana. I have wanted one for a long time? I live in milwaukee, wi. so if anyone in this state knows where i can find one and all the supplies pretty cheap please let me know. thank you
Go to kingsnake.com or centralpetclassifieds.com There are always tons of Iguanas that need homes and most will come with their housing. Be careful though, do your research and be sure this is really what you want. They get very aggressive and tempermental as they reach maturity, that is why there are so many that need homes.
you can get baby iguanas almost anywhere for around 20.00
Try calling PetCo or PetSmart .. I think they may have them . Good Luck ! :)
Check your local pet store.
Check out this site- http://www.reptileauctions.com/. They have all kinds of reptiles for pretty good prices. Be careful about shipping though, it can get pricey!