Senin, 24 Mei 2010

I need HELP. Just found a snake on my back porch in Queensland Australia. It's green with a yellow belly.

It could be a tree snake which is not dangerous, but on the other hand, it could be a green mamba, or some other time of highly venomous snakes! Dont go close now, we don't know!
that sounds like the old green and yellow belly
eye of jealousy there
if i was you i would get rid of it as quickly as possible
may God bless you

Info here about many snakes, including a yellow-bellied water snake (green).
What do you need help with? Instructions on how to let it go on it's way?
Looking at pictures of snakes in Australia, it looks like there are only 2 candidates for your snake and both are quite venemous
The Tiger Snake which is a land snake and the Yellow-bellied Sea Snake. Here are descriptions on the first link and pictures on the second.

Please be careful and stay away from it.
its just a green tree snake not venomis and they are very scitish so if you go with in just a couple of meters of it it should run away
sounds like a pope's tree viper. leave it alone and leave through the back door