Well I have had him for two years ive tried to feed him but he wont eat what i feed him last summer i had him outside and i thought i lost him the whole winter went by and my cat found him outside under a bunch of leaves this summer. He was still alive now i bring him in the house at night but i leave him in my backyard during the day he loves the rain i guess he eats outside cause he poops in my house but now that its about to be winter again i want to bring him in the house but i dont know how to take care of him being that he's been fending for hisself i dont even know what kind of turtle he is can anyone help please
Trying to psychically determine the species with absolutely no description in the question. hmmm.. nothing so far.
OK, I'm going to guess you have a box turtle, possibly an Eastern/Carolinian based on the 'likes rain' bit.
Check out http://www.boxturtlesite.org and http://www.austinsturtlepage.com. for help with identifying your turtle and how to care for it. (I like Austin's better for care, but it can sometimes be awkward to find stuff there- lots of info!)
You may want to consider just keeping it a 'garden pet' if it has done OK for two years! It will over-winter in a spot that is decently drained, keeps a reasonably steady temp of near freezing but not too much lower, has a little moisture, etc. You CAN duplicate these conditions indoors, but it is hard. Make another big leaf pile (toss some branches on top to hold it together) and let it find a spot it likes.
Most turtles will do far better in a mediocre outdoor habitat than they will in even a good indoor pen- especially box turtles if you are in their natural range!
(By the way- an earlier answer on this thread was mistaken on two points- 'turtles are meat eaters' is mostly wrong. Most turtles eat a mixture of meat and vegetation, depending on species and age. Some turtles truly do only eat meat- but others eat almost totally plants. The next problem is the 'hamburger' recommendation. NO turtle will be healthy eating hamburger- it is too rich, too fatty, and has a terrible nutrient mix for turtles. Fish or chicken is more common for the meat eaters.)
Turtles are meat eaters. There is also turtle food at pet stores. Raw hamburg is a favorite of many turtles. The bathroom would be an ideal climate to keep him in.
You first need to figure out what kind of turtle it is, so you know what its ideal diet is. Pet stores carry food specifically for turtles, and you can also buy live food (grasshoppers, etc) there. Set up a tank for him for an enclosure, and make sure that you have appropriate sater supplies and a heat source. Any good pet store can help you figure out what all you need.
well i have 6 turtles 1 wood and he is orange 3 red eared sliders and they have a red line on each side of there face and to easteren paitnted and they have red poka dots feed it worms and fruit they love that
you probably have a box turtle, it would probably be best to leave it outside and let it hibernate for the winter
to feed it - cantaloupe, watermelon, tomatoes, squash, collards chopped up, chicken based canned dog food, most fruits and vegetables, you just have to try them to see what he likes
most turtles like red foods
turtles like meat when they are younger, but prefer fruits and vegetables as they age. try cutting things like apples and pears in little chunks for him, you haven't said how big he (or she) is. i have three different breeds and they all love apples and pears, small mealworms and earthworms, i have a wood turtle that will not eat any type of store bought food. you can go to turtles.com and help identify your type of turtle. good luck!