He keeps jumping at the top of the cage sometimes hanging upside down. I am going to get a taller one for him in the future but I need a quick fix for now because I do not have the money for it. I have put in things for him to climb on but he ignores them. Also he shed about a week ago and now his skin has a kind of ashy look near his back legs and around his head. He is really worrying me I don't know if he is dry or if he is about to shed again but it seems to soon to be doing that. I try to keep the humidity dry, have a big pool of water for him and have a hot/cold area so I dont really know what i am doing wrong here
Your dragon sounds all right to me.
An adult Chinese water dragon (over 2 years) needs a cage 6 feet tall, 4 feet wide, and 2 feet deep. I made my own cage for mine. Some of them rub their snouts raw on glass, so I ended up using a half-inch fencing mesh for the sides, which they didn't rub on. I used a wooden framework. Then I had some shelves and climbing structures. There were some areas in the cage heated and others not, so they could choose where they wanted to be. Most of the time the adults stayed in unheated areas at room temperature, but they were able to warm up as needed, especially for digestion. I really enjoyed my water dragons.
it's just look like I think
Asian water dragons like to jump and do often ignore climbing things, some use them and some don't so I think this is normal, when you do have the extra money you may want to get him a larger tank. The ashey look may just be the areas that haven't shed yet.Another way for great info is just type in Asian Water Dragon care in the search bar and there are a ton of sites that can help.
Don't worry about the him jumping at the top of he screen I've watched a wild caught panther chameleon basically climb there glass for two days straight because there was a fake plant on the outside of his tank and he had and enormous enclosure lol as for the shedding problem give him a quick luke warm bath or a spray to get the skin off hope this helps.