how to protect themselves from disease ... and keep your body to stay healthy and manage your diet everyday
Senin, 24 Mei 2010
I need to use a fogger,Can i just cover my Iguana's tank? or do i have to remove him from the home too?
Take Him/her out of the house. Reptiles have are more sensitive then we are to thinks like that. If one cigarette can cause an upper respiratory infection just think of what those foggers can do to your baby. My advise find another way to rid your home of bugs. Foggers can blow up and think how much that would cost compared to a safer method like an exterminator.
I highly suggest moving him from your home.. However Foggers are extremely dangerous and I do not reccomend them. Call your local pest control company and ask them to come to your house and spray organically. Foggers have been know to cause explosions, also you have to wash everything down afterwards. Just because your dishes are in a cupboard when it goes off does not even mean your dishes are safe. Foggers may only cost 4-10.00 but if you do a search on the dangers of foggers on the net I guarantee you would rather shell out the extra money to a pest company.
Remove him. You don't want to take any chances. The fogger can seep through the cover.
you absolutely have to take your iguana out unless you plan on burying him in the back yard no matter how much you cover the tank he will either suffocate or be poisoned by the fogger don't be lazy take your iguana out of the house
Move the iguana. It will kill your pet.
I'd remove him and his tank.
I am asuming it is a flea bomb or can't cover him well enough without cutting off air circulation. The bast thing to do is remove the animal in a portable carrier and take it with you when you leave the house. when you get back, the whole tank and all of the decor must be washed with ammonia and new substrate needs to be added. It can be deadly to reptiles.
remove anything that breathes from the house before you fog it
You don't have to use a fogger, the simple solution is to get a spray bottle and just spray him down once or twice a day. If you're wanting to use a fogger so you don't have to hassle with it, then you should not own an iguana, they require a lot of maintenance and attention. Are you talking about fogging the house for bugs? Then the above is not right. You need to remove the iguana and the tank and anything else that breathes air from the house. There's no other way.
Owner of a 4 year old, 6 foot long, male green iguana.