They're just plain black and slimy. Are they poisonous? How much space do they need? And, what kind of salamander are they?
Most salamanders are not poisonous. Yours is probly just a normal little house salamander. It eats little bugs from septic tanks and stangnent water. just leave them alone , they know what they need naturally. If you want to keep one as a pet they have setups for them and the food they need at your local pet shop most of the time. Enjoy them they are fun to watch.
Salamander is the common name applied to approximately 500 amphibian vertebrates with slender bodies, short legs, and long tails (order Caudata or Urodela). .
hope it helps!
They are not poisonous. They need as much room as they have in your back yard. Don't put them in a tank and keep them as pets. You'll probably kill them.
Not poisonous and they don't bother anything. Just not esthetically pleasing to some people.
no they are not poisonous. just leave them alone, they are harmless and eat insects.
Well first off they aren't poisonous. Second, you shouldn't have to worry about how much room they need because they wouldn't be in your backyard if they needed more room. Third, don't capture them, they are better off in the wild of your backyard. Fourth, if you are trying to get rid of them, I recommend getting a male cat, he'll fix the problem real quick.