Senin, 24 Mei 2010

I want a corn snake?

i heard good things about the corn snake. they are not poisenous they get calmer then they age, they like to be handled and played with, and they can grow up to 4 or 5 feet.

the thing is how big of a cage does it need? can i put him in one of those glass hamster cage?

when i 1st get the snake how do i tame it to not bite me bcuz i would like to play with it.

how much do they cost? and how much do u think it will cost to care for it? how much will it cost monthly.

thx for answering
Corn snakes are I great. I have one, among four other snakes. A large glass aquariam will do ok. A 20 gallon size or so. You will need a locking lid of some sort. Ventilation is important. You will need good substrate that won't aggrivate the lungs, heat lamp, hiding caves, and another heat source, such as an under tank heater (which is what i use and love). They stick to the bottom of the tank and provide a warm bed. However, i suggest sticking it to a piece of tinfoil rather than the tank itself and then taping it to the tank so you can still move the heater without damaging it since they glue is super adhesive. I am fairly knowlegdeable in the snake area, so you can contact me if you need.

that site will tell you all you need to know. if you have any other questions, IM me.

ivyrakestraw on yahoo messenger.
chek out, and go to the snakes forum, u can talk to people that own them.and find out everything u need to kno from regular people like u and me. its the best site ever.
NO! Never put a snake in a glass hamster cage.. it needs something more secure.. and depending on the size it needs more space than a hamster, and it needs this light thing which keeps it warm. That's the only question I can answer at the moment.
so get 1
140 dollars. By off snake zoos
A corn snake needs a 20-gallon aquarium or equivalent, and bigger is better. Mine is in a 29. You need to set it up so it is room temperature on one end, warmer (for basking) on the other. This will require a basking light and a heating strip. (yes, both, and a timer for the light) Don't forget to provide multiple shelters so the snake has a choice of lairs, and can pick a warmer or cooler one as needed.

NO snake likes to be handled, let alone played with. They will tolerate being handled, but for a snake, that still pushes a lot of the "predator attacking me!" buttons, and it stresses them. And playing with them is right out -- they are live animals, not toys.

A good corn snake (get a yearling, not a baby, for your first snake) will cost you $50-$100 (US), depending on where you buy it. Fancy colors can go for, well, as much money as you have. Snake, cage, cage furnishings, etc., together will cost you in the $200-$300 range. One of the items you should buy is a good book on corn snakes.

A couple I would recommend:

Corn Snakes: The Comprehensive Owner's Guide (Bill %26 Kathy Love)

Corn Snakes %26 Other Rat Snakes (Patricia %26 R.D. Bartlett)

Read the book BEFORE you commit to getting a snake! Remember, corn snakes can live for 20+ years; this is a major commitment on your part.
hey - put it in the microwave and you can have a pop corn snake
corn snakes are really cool. The ones I had were very active, but they were escape artists. Get a critter cage. Looks like an aquarium, but comes with a built on screen lid that snaps shut and locks. I currently have two Boas, one large and one small, and a lucistic texas rat snake. Critter cages have worked great with them, but how big depends on the size of the snake. They are active,and need space to move around good. Good luck with your corn snake!