Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009

i have a king snake which is 2 yrs old. how big will it grow to. it is 4 feet long now.?

They tend to grow until they are about 4 years, but grow fastest the first two years. He should be almost done. You don't say what kind of king snake, and some varieties get really long. I would say he won't get more than 6 feet, maybe a little less. My Cape Gopher wasn't supposed to be more than 4 feet, and she is now a little over 5 feet, though, so it is hard to really say. Some depends on what breeding lines he is from, some breeders breed for size, some more for color! It does sound like he is doing well, just be sure that once his growth rate slows, you cut back his food a little bit so he doesn't put on too much weight. Mine went from eating every 7 days to every ten days, and is in good shape.
i heard of a king snake grow 2 9 feet, i suppose urs can also.
18 ft.
dont know probably 18 feet i heard
Up to seven feet. Visit this link:

well. i don't think its name King snake for nothing..hehe .

California Kingsnakes grow to a length of up to 5 feet (1.5 metres) and weigh as much as 4 pounds (1.8 kilograms).

The diet of the California Kingsnake is similar to that of other Kingsnakes. Prey include lizards, birds, and other snakes. During shedding the snake may not eat, as it cannot capture prey easily due to greatly reduced vision caused by the buildup of an oily substance underneath the eye coverings (brille).
yuk i hate snakes.. but thanks for the two points.
king snakes grow to normal 3-5 feet so max is 5 feet long.
possibly about another foot. They range anywhere between three and five feet. This link says "desert" on it, but it had the most information I could find.
boy u r brave.
do u work in the zoo,
is that supposed to be a pet?
take it easy man.
Depends mainly on you, the size of his cage has a part, also how much and how often you feed him. In captivity I have seen them grow to around 5 1/2 - 6 feet, in a zoo setting I have seen them get larger, apx 8-9 feet. This is of course for a banded king snake, the scarlet king snake is a smaller variety and I have never seen one over 2 1/2 feet long. The largest banded king snake I have captured (and released) in the wild was about 9 feet, they are truly remarkable animals, I just never could feed them, I love all animals and can't feed one to another.
Good Luck with your ssssssssnake!
The common can grow to between 3 and five feet so I would presume that your's is nearly there.
about four feet when full grown,some very rarely to almost 7Ft long