Senin, 24 Mei 2010

I need information on my aquatic frog.?

I just got an aquatic frog. Do they do well with guppies? What temp water do the do best in? Do they need airated (sp?) water?

And any other info you can give me!
They will be fine with Guppies and any other peaceful Tropical Community fish. Temps should be 76-78 degrees, but temps between 68-84 are ok. If you don't want to clean the tank often than a filter is a good idea but be careful,choosing a filter some frgs get caught on the intake valve and drown. African Dwarf Frogs, do not have gills, so they swim to the top to get air. The top of your tank, should not have any large gaps, or they will escape. You can feed frozen blood worms.

You can find more good info at,
Aquatic frogs are amizingly resilient! We found 4 in an abandoned apartment over a year ago, they'd been there several days,/ a week ?--the water was all nasty --REALLY nasty %26 almost evaporated completely--We cleaned up the tank, etc %26 I still have 2--one commited suicide (jumped out of the temporary housing --a bucket--while we cleaned the aquarium--the other developed a cyst or something that swelled one side out of shape--I had to flush him--didn't want it to spread--the other two are fat %26 happy. We feed them dried worms. they are in a community tank, currently w/10 neons %26 a sword tail--used to have a snail %26 2 rosey barbs,( they didn't survive the trip across country this summer.) We enjoy their sillyness. Hope you enjoy yours too. Oh, btw, no need to fish out the fish that die--they will happily eat them for you.
Well, for the most part, all frogs are "aquatic" in that they need water of some sort to lay eggs.that's what makes them amphibians. Some frogs spend more time in the water than other frogs. It depends what type of frog you have. All adult frogs breathe air directly from the atmosphere, so they do not need aerated water like your fish do. It is a good idea to have some place where they can rest and either be completely out of the water or at least rest on something where they can stick their heads out. I don't know what type of aquarium you have, but there is always the risk of them jumping out. Here is a good web site to do some research and find out more about what specific type of frog you have.
What kind of aquatic frog do you have?

If you have a African Dwarf Frog.they do just fine with guppies, they don't NEED aeration but it is best to have a filter with them to keep the water clean, and they are tropical so 75-80 degrees is best.

If you have an African Clawed Frog (looks just like the african dwarf,excluding the albinos). they don't do well with guppies because they reach a length of 5 inches and they like to eat fish, temp also 75-80 degress and they do need a filter because of their size.