Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

I Have Geckos and i have found tiny white bugs crawling in the sand are they harmful?

These tiny white bugs look a little like minature caterpillars.There are hundreds of them.They look like they may also be breeding cause some are extremely minute.
it may be baby millworms if you are feeding those. but id change out the sand and clean the cage and thier bowls eic really good just to be on the safe side.. i wouldnt take any chances
Clean his cage. Kill those suckers!
i don't know about bigger ones but I have seen bugs like little moving white specks in my lizards cages. That's mites. You need to pitch out the sand, get a better substrate, sanitize the tank, and if you have wood items in the tank for the lizards to lounge on, you need to put them in a 200 degree oven for about an hour to kill the bugs.
If you arent putting them in there ( mealworms) Than that is NOT normal. Thoroughly clean the cage NOW!!
Probably. Get clean sand. Check to see if these bugs are starting in their "poop". They might need wormed.
Get the sand out. Take every thing out. Disinfect the cage with the 1:10 bleach solution. If I were you, I wouldn't use sand again. As you can already see, it causes a lot of little insect problems, impaction, and sanitary issues. The sand may look nice, but it's not worth all the trouble.especially your gecko's life. Check out Lowes or Home Depot's ceramic tiles. Some of them have gorgeous designs. Just pick up a few and they'll usually cut it the right size you need to fit inside the cage. Reptile carpet is also good, yesterdays newspaper, non-adhesive shelf liner, and I just use paper towels. Good luck.
they could be mites. what you should do is take you animal out and use a wet paper towl. wipe him and see if they are on him. then you needs to go to a pet store and get a product that removes mites.
yes they are probly harmful.
clean cage thoroughly, disinfect with 1 part bleach to 10 parts water and dry thoughly. New bedding, and please take better care of her. even if mealworms are breeding means its been a few weeks since you last cleaned it's cage.