Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

i lost my turtle?

i have this turtle and he must have got out of his tank and i cant find him anywhere! oh and is it bad to have a turtle loose in the house is it unsanitary? i need help!
if is an aquatic turtle it will can die because they can not eat on land. look in a dark warm spot and you will find it.
put a bowl of his food down in every room and keep a close eye on that bowl, dont worry about him to much he can last quite long with out food or water. I am sure you will find him soon.
don't worry! She cant run very fast.You will find it
It will be scared and may defecate along its path. The most danger is for the animal itself that can trap itself in a place difficult to spot and get hurt or die.
Look under stuff turtles can't climb !
Put out food in the room you think it is in .. and when it gets hungry enough and it smells the food , it will come out and get it`s fill !
u have a lost turtle.i'm sum1 to help you look 4 him.such as the vet or report him 2 a police.this may sound bad but he might have gotten sick and crawled off and died so you couldn't have seen him. but just 2 let u know i'm sorry.
The turtle will be fine if you find it before it dies from hunger.

The water turtle is not able to move fast (it's even slower than the turtoise). as it's created to swim.

It'll be somewhere under the sofa or behind the curtains.
i think your turtle is under your bed. or. he ran away while you were asleep.
Make a trap . First put his tank on the floor then make a trail of turtle food to his tank and remmber to put something that can make him get in his tank . Like a board .
don 't worry, he can live for weeks without food, especially this time of year, look in all your dark places, i have six and sometimes i allow them to roam free while cleaning tanks, they are in between two rooms, i have found them under things, in between things and places you would not believe. you don't say his size? if real small, must watch where you step at all times, buy a larger tank, because obviously he can climb out and they are good for that. for the one who told you they arenot fast, has never seen a turtle move, this is one of the biggest misconceptions about turtles, they are escape artists. good luck, just keep searching.
look near warm places on the floor ..they will try to find a warm spot
Turtles hibernate in the winter, so look under clothes or furniture, places that are dark, warm, or quiet.
Health hazard? No more so than most of the other stuff in our house.

To find it:
1. Search the tank again, make sure it is not hiding good.
2. Start at the floor near the tank. Get down on your stomach and look around.
3. Look for any holes, hiding places, piles of stuff to crawl into, etc. just big enough for it to fit. It usually will have found the place closest to where it hit the ground.
4. As you check an area, try to 'turtle-proof' it so it cannot hide there later- simple masking tape, for example, can cover most openings.

As a rule of thumb, it won't go far, and it won't move a lot once it found a good place.
You need to look along the ground and under things. Leave food and treat piles out to "catch" the turtle. Eventually it'll get hungry enough to come looking for the food.
Look for it everywhere!!
Where abouts are you? I have found a turtle!! this is no joke!!