Selasa, 30 November 2010

Tips for Keeping Fixed Prima Endurance Body

Living in this day and age requires us to always be able to maintain good health, considering the increasing number of pollutants generated from our daily activities. If not, then the disease would be easy to drop into our bodies. Especially these days often encountered a particular disease outbreak, would you still remember the swine flu bird flu or not? Not to mention that dengue fever or elephantiasis, health is essentially fixed price.Therefore, we must always manjaga our immune system to be able to resist various diseases that may be dropped. On this occasion, we tried to share how to keep the immune system in order to remain vibrant.
Here are tips you can do:

- Enough nutritious food-
Nutritious food is always needed by the body. Therefore, give a good supply of nutrients to your body, eat nutritious food. Foods that have good nutritional value is four of five perfectly healthy food.

- Enough sleep -
How busy activity that you have, try to always sleep enough each day. In order for your optimal sleep is recommended to sleep for at least 8 hours. With adequate rest, then your body will always fit, and durability of the body will stay fit.

Routine exercise -
The experts also recommend that you always exercise routine. By exercising your physical ability will be better, body resistance is automatically going good also. Every time you exercise, get sweaty, but not be forced too heavy, do it according to your ability.

- Vitamin Supplement -
Eat a vitamin every day, but it would be nice if in taking vitamins to follow your doctor's instructions.

- Avoid Cigarettes and Alcohol -
Whatever the reason, alcohol and cigarettes has been proven scientifically and medically harmful to human health. If you've never consume them, then avoid, lest you get caught in the circle of cigarettes and alcohol addiction. But if you are caught by the opium alcohol and cigarettes, then try as hard as you, so you can escape from the bondage of cigarettes and alcohol.

Hopefully, the five points above provide benefits to you, especially your immune system to keep fit, so as to avoid the various diseases.