Minggu, 14 November 2010

Tips for Keeping Cholesterol

Who told you should not eat this and that as a culinary tour? All may be eaten, really, as long as know the tricks.

Number of places to eat well in many places covered the mass media, makes us "itch" culinary tour wants to go there. Cakes, dishes, and drinks, it seems a pity if no time to stop by the tongue. Not a few people who deliberately take the time off, only to hunt for new places to eat. Culinary exhibition was never empty of food enthusiasts.

Culinary tour of course legitimate. However, you realize, that hunted food is not impossible it can make you hunted high cholesterol? Excessive cholesterol, especially the evil, will settle in blood vessels. This sediment can cause blockages, so that makes blood vessels expand and rupture.

If a clogged blood vessels leading to heart, especially when total blockage, the result could be fatal, that do not get the bleeding heart is right. This is the cause of heart attacks. Therefore, areas that do not get the bleeding that is true, would be dead. In fact, there are centers that must always pulsating.

"When the area was dead, heart beat stop," said dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, MS, clinical nutrition specialist and health consultants Jakarta Semanggi Specialist Clinic. However, do not always panic imagine competing cholesterol accumulate in the body. Apparently, cholesterol is not always bad, really. According Fiastuti, cholesterol and fat in fact the body needs to build cell walls.

Just so you know, certain hormones, including reproductive hormones, require cholesterol. However, certainly not by much. Cholesterol itself is divided into three kinds, namely total cholesterol, bad, and good. Total cholesterol is bad cholesterol plus cholesterol. However, according to Fiastuti, this is not a mathematical sum.


Bad cholesterol deposited inside blood vessels, so that if excessive can clog and cause of death. Good cholesterol actually serves to attract and take the deposition of fat in the blood vessels. Where does cholesterol come from? According Fiastuti, cholesterol comes from foods, including offal, meat, and lard.
Keep in mind, food only accounts for 30 percent of the amount of cholesterol that enters the body. That, too, only from animal foods. The rest? "From our own body's metabolism. That is why, there are people who desperately dieting or not eating at all, but still high cholesterol. People like this need drugs," said Fiastuti.
Fortunately, in addition to his contribution was not large, cholesterol from food can be controlled. For cholesterol in the body to stay awake, Fiastuti recommend to eat with a sufficient quantity and good quality. From where we know the size of the meal is eaten at quite a culinary tour or has excessive? In terms of quantity, people who had normal weight and remains stable, meaning the amount that he consumed enough.