Jumat, 18 Mei 2007

Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier from Work Out Warehouse.com

Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier from Work Out Warehouse.com - Consumer: Those concerned with getting in good physical shape, those who are concerned with cardio-vascular strength and health and dieters who are seeking intense physical exercise for weight control.

The purpose of the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier is to provide a total body workout and burn calories at an extremely increased rate.

Pros: The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier simulates snow skiing without the cold or the need for warm clothing. It provides a total body workout while shaping the legs, hips, thighs and buttocks as well as the upper-body muscles. The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier provides an excellent cardio-vascular workout.

The adjustable flywheel allows for seven resistance levels as strength increases, as well.

Cons: There are no particular cons associated with the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier. I do find the $99.00 shipping charge a bit high - but then again, it is a large product.

Guarantee: Work Out Warehouse offers a 30-day money back guarantee less shipping both ways. The price of the equipment plus the tax will be refunded after the customer gets a return authorization from the Work Out Warehouse and the equipment has been returned. Most of the equipment sold by Work Out Ware House carries a manufacturer's guarantee that is at least 90 days and most are longer.

Value for money: The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier is an excellent value for those concerned with physical and cardio-vascular strength. The sale price of the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier makes it an exceptional value.

Minggu, 13 Mei 2007

The Zone Weight Loss Diet from Zone Living.com

The purpose of The Zone Weight Loss Diet is to help dieters lose weight according to their own specific requirements.

Pros: Dr. Sears designed all of the various Zone diets. He says about weight loss, “To achieve long term weight loss, you must reduce inflammation in your cells. To do this, you need not deprive yourself. On the Zone diet all you have to do is eat the right combination if food, nourish your body with the Omega-3 fatty acids it needs and exercise moderately. The result? Burn fat faster, lose excess weight, boost your energy, keep hunger at bay and even help reduce the risk of chronic disorders.”

Many very famous people have had great success using The Zone diet. Among them are Jennifer Aniston, Cindy Crawford, Madonna, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Moore and Winona Ryder.

Diet products are recommended for various diet goals. These products can be ordered on the Zone Diet website at a reasonable cost and there is also a lot of support offered on the website that is helpful to dieters.

Cons: The Zone Weight Loss Diet is either loved or hated. There has been some controversy surrounding it.

Guarantee: There is no guarantee of success offered on The Zone Weight Loss Diet website.

Value for money: The Zone Weight Loss Diet is a very good value.

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2007

Bob Greenes Best Life Diet

The purpose of Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet is to help people lose weight as well as to get into good physical condition overall.

Pros: Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet plan is much more than just another diet plan. Included with the diet are cardio workouts and strength training instructions. Oprah Winfrey, speaking about Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet said, “Every unwanted pound creates another layer of lies. It’s only when you peel back those layers that you will be set free: Free to work out, free to eat responsibly, free to live the life you want and deserve to live. Tell the truth and you’ll learn to eat to satisfy your physical hunger and stop burying your hopes and dreams beneath layers of fat”

Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet is actually a life plan rather than a diet and it is a life plan that is full of the promise of a good, healthy and long life if the plan is adopted and adhered to.

Cons: No diet should ever be undertaken without a doctor's consent. All weight problems are not caused by overeating.

Guarantee: There is no guarantee of success and none would apply.

Value for money: Since the total price could not be determined, the value of Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet cannot be determined.

South Beach Diet Membership

The purpose of the South Beach Diet is to help people lose weight in a healthy manner.

Pros: America as a whole is getting heavier and heavier. There is a myth that says fat people are happy….”fat and jolly”, “fat and happy”, etc. I’m not saying that those who are overweight are not happy at all but I am saying that they are not happy about being overweight or just plain FAT. Most people who are overweight have tried most every diet plan under the sun at one time or another and they haven’t found one yet that actually worked.

The South Beach Diet Membership is a way that those who are overweight can get the expert dieting advice that they need as well as a dieting plan that they can live with for the long term. There are no foods that are just off limits forever and ever. The diet is a well balanced eating plan that includes foods from all of the food groups so dieters are better able to stay satisfied and better able to stick to the plan to achieve the results that they desire.

Cons: The South Beach Diet does not really provide a balanced diet. Adhering to it for the long term will be difficult.

Guarantee: There is no guarantee offered for the South Beach Diet Membership and none would apply.

Value for money: The South Beach Diet Membership is an excellent value.

Selasa, 01 Mei 2007

Acne Free Clear Skin System

The purpose of Acne Free Clear Skin System is to clear the skin during an acne outbreak and help to prevent future outbreaks.

Pros: Those who suffer with acne are well aware of the fact that just because an acne breakup clears up (eventually) that doesn’t mean that the acne is really gone. Treatment for skin that is acne prone is an ongoing procedure.

Of course, the main objective when an acne outbreak does occur is to clear it up as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The Acne Free Clear Skin System is a three-step system that is designed to clear up an acne outbreak and then, with regular treatment, prevent future outbreaks.

The three steps in the Acne Free Clear Skin System are; (1) Cleaning and purifying the skin, (2) Applying a renewing toner and (3) applying a repair lotion. The treatment instructions say that this complete three-step program needs to be every day and twice a day to help clear acne outbreaks as well as prevent future outbreaks.

Cons: This product, while an excellent value, may not be suitable for severe cases of acne. Because it is designed to help prevent breakouts, people with scarring or severe acne should not expect miracles.

Guarantee: There is a very generous guarantee policy that reads in part: “All items purchased through CosmeticMall.com have a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason you may return the product for a full refund (even if you have tried the product).”

Value for money: The Acne Free Clear Skin System is an excellent value.